Optimise your Nutrition for Razor-Sharp Focus and Optimal Productivity

Optimise your Nutrition for Razor-Sharp Focus and Optimal Productivity

I taught a super fun workshop on Optimising Nutrition for Focus and Productivity at Saya Club in Canggu, Bali on Wednesday and today at Nebula Coworking Space. I had a blast!

“Why am so tired?”

“Why am I so tired?” and “I’m just not focused” are two things I hear many people say. Especially as I live in Canggu, Bali, which is a hive of entrepreneurs hustling to get their business to thrive. The fact that this town is brimming with entrepreneurship is one of the reasons why I decided to relocate here. It’s buzzing with people trying to create and grow new ideas.

So I got talking to the teams at Saya Club and Nebula, and we decided it would be a great idea to help entrepreneurs with their nutrition and lifestyle, to enable them to optimise their work, and ultimately their mission.

In the workshop, we covered not only nutrition tips for optimising focus, productivity and energy levels, but also why these symptoms manifest in the first place.

You know me! Functional medicine is my bread and butter, so I love getting into the depths of why these are just signs of deeper imbalances.

We covered blood sugar imbalance, poor sleep, caffeine intake, cortisol dysregulation and burnout (cortisol insufficiency/adrenal fatigue), anaemia, low thyroid function, ADHD, brain fog, the gut-brain connection… and so much more.

This has got to be one of my favourite workshops to date. If you want to hear more about my future workshops, simply follow me on Instagram (@lauralamnutrition) and subscribe to updates!


Need further help?

If you have trouble with your health and require help on a deeper level, feel free to book in a discovery call or view my nutrition programmes. As a functional nutritional therapist, I specialise in helping people get to the bottom of their health issues like low energy levels, anaemia, depression, anxiety, brain fog, gut issues and more. I use nutritional and lifestyle strategies to support whatever imbalance is found in your body to promote overall health.

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