Functional testing is a powerful tool which can help us uncover crucial information.

I use a wide range of tools to help my clients find the root cause of their symptoms. Functional laboratory tests are part of my toolkit and can help us find information in areas such as:
- Nutritional and biochemical deficiencies and excesses
- Digestive function
- Imbalances in gut, mouth and genital bacteria
- Hormone imbalances, e.g. thyroid, adrenals (cortisol, cortisone, adrenaline, noradrenaline), sex hormones (oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, DHT)
- Neurotransmitter imbalances
- H. Pylori overgrowth
- Candida albicans overgrowth (thrush)
- Heavy metal excesses (mercury, arsenic, copper) due to environmental or occupational pollutants
Functional tests are optional, however I will recommend tests that I think may reveal invaluable information about a clients’ health. I will advise on the most appropriate test based on an individual’s presenting symptoms and health goals.
These comprehensive laboratory tests are not available through public healthcare services as they provide a more in-depth solution, which is not covered by NHS funding. I use the most respected laboratories in the UK, Europe and USA to conduct lab testing, including Genova Diagnostics, Precision Analytical, Invivo Diagnostics, Regenerus Laboratories and Lifecode Gx.
The Investment Programme