Health, Nutrition & Business Podcast with another startup story and Karmen Tang
I joined the fabulous Karmen Tang on her podcast – another startup story, to talk about all things wellness, debunking juicing myths, supplements and my very own start-up story.
Karmen is a close friend of one of my close friends, who is sadly no longer with us. It’s funny because Karmen and I never met when she was still here, but now we’ve connected and it seems like we’ve known each other for a long time. It’s curious how life brings people together at the right times. I’m sure our mutual friend is up there beaming with delight, as she always did.
“Without testing, how can we really be sure the supplements we take are right for us? What works for your friend, may not necessarily work for you even if you have similar symptoms.” – Laura Lam
I am thrilled to have had a conversation with Karmen on her podcast. She’s a brilliant Business Coach, model and former finance extraordinaire based out in Singapore, originally from Southampton UK. another startup story is a media platform offering creative solutions to business challenges. It serves as a daily source of inspiration and education, through storytelling, workshops/events, and a Podcast series.
works with creatives who are incredibly good at their craft, but need help with the nitty gritty side of business. As a former Marketer/Creative myself (in fact, I still consider myself a Marketer), her work truly speaks to me.
On the podcast, we talked about the gut and the importance of digestive health, the brilliant microbiome, pre- and probiotics, mushroom supplements, juicing, my thoughts on Chinese medicine and of course, my own experiences with setting up a business. We had a fantastic conversation and I’m sure there’ll be more podcasts with another startup story soon.
The podcast is available to stream free on Apple iTunes and Spotify.